

What is your specialty?
As you may have seen on our Splash Page and in our Portfolio, we have two distinct disciplines... Portrait Photography, and Event Photography. Within each discipline, we have extensive experience creating portraits that combine strong photographic techniques, and professional lighting. 

Our goal is much more that taking great images... we want to ensure that our clients have products that can showcase these special portraits for many years. Most of our clients are interested in purchasing framed wall portraits or fine-art canvases to decorate their homes... Many will add custom books and albums, to help tell a story... Some will help us create collages and storyboards that are framed for their walls... and a lot of our clients are looking to create custom greeting cards, invitations, and thank you cards.

We offer a wide range of solutions to ensure that we help match the right products for your home and businesses.

I know a lot of people who are just starting in photography... how are you different?
Within our industry, we have seen a huge growth in the number of photographers just getting started and we believe it is great... if they are ready to be in it for the long haul. Here are a just a few differentiators that have been reinforced by our clients.
Benefits of working with Scott Peek Photography
      • Over 25 years of photography experience (yes that started in the film days)
      • We are a full time professional photography business which is also our full time income
      • Dedicated photography studio and separate client consulting / preview room
      • Significant investment in professional equipment used both in the studio and on-location (its more that you could possibly think)
      • Relationships with professional photography vendors that produce the highest quality products
      • and finally, we make a significant investment each year to be involved in professional photography associations and continuing education to stay ahead of the curve both technically and professionally. 

Are you a “natural light” photographer?
We have heard this popular term being used a lot to describe a lot of photographer's style.  We certainly can capture an image with natural light, although we want to ensure that your images are extremely well lit so your portraits pop!  Whether we are in a studio or on-location, we will always use some form of professional "off-camera" lighting to add some dimension to your portraits.  Be wary of a photographer that uses "natural-light" as there only benefit... sometimes it means they don't have the experience either off camera strobes, or studio lights... There is a difference in the final results.

Do you use Photoshop?
Certainly, Photoshop is one of the many software tools we use to enhance images.  Our goal though is to get it right during your session and capture the perfect image in the camera, the first time.  That is why we use "off camera" lighting, professional equipment and a tripod to steady our camera. We are not a fan of shooting tons of images to find one and "fix it in post production".  It is not a good business model for us to spend time fixing things that could be done correctly the first time.

What does my session fee include?
Your session fee includes a lot more than just the session appointment...Here is a brief listing:
      • 15-30 minute pre-consultation meeting at our studio
      • The entire session (time varies based on type of session)
      • 1-1.5 hour preview & purchasing appointment at our studio
      • Post processing of your purchased portraits including minor skin blemishes

And lastly… The professional experience to ensure the best portraits possible!