

Long before I started this photography business, I would believe that the business would ruin my hobby of photography and the enjoyment I get capturing beautiful images.  Many years later, I can finally say that my intuition was incorrect.  I enjoy the pursuit of photography far more now than I ever did as a hobby... Who wouldn't?  More expensive toys to play with... I digress.

This submenu is an way for me to share some of my creative and/or personal projects.  Here is some brief insight to each category:

Custom Posters & Banners:

Many of these are client projects, although they are more than just capturing an image.  Some of these involved complex sessions, 10-100 images stitched together, and many hours of photoshop.  Others are from the pure enjoyment of the moment I captured the image.

Old Hollywood / Film Noir Project:

This was a very planned project to create some unique images that were showcased at a upcoming fundraising Gala.  The theme of the Gala was the "Allure of the Silver Screen".  What better way to tie into the old hollywood look than creating images styled from the 40's and 50's.  Six Friends, 10 hours, during a long Saturday to create these images.


More projects will be added periodically.  We hope you enjoy our images.